How to Downsize for Retirement (8 STEPS)

Kevin Grolig
Kevin Grolig
Published on June 14, 2022

One size doesn’t fit all.

There are many reasons for people to downsize. One is to simplify, that’s an attempt to purge and simplify their life. Number two is cost-cutting. Oftentimes this is used to cut unnecessary expenses like maintenance and higher utilities. And number three, sometimes this could be because of death and divorce.

Number four, sometimes it’s from relocation, especially when you’re moving from a lesser expensive area to a more expensive area. Number five empty nesters for empty nesters. Downsizing gives them the ability to maybe travel, see the world and oh yeah. Make sure that their kids can never move back. And number six, aging and for aging, sometimes this is just a natural part of the circle of life. Mom and dad may not be able to care for the home like they used to. So while on the surface, you may just think that downsizing is downsizing. There are some differences today I’d like to focus on number six, the aging, not only am I making this video for them, but also their kids who are oftentimes instrumental in the move during my career, I’ve worked with many families where mom and dad have actually lived in the home 40 to 50 years and I’ve assisted them in transitioning to their retirement home.

Whether that be independent living or assisted living. I’ve seen some families who’ve been proactive and have planned for this time. So that it’s a natural turning of the page. And unfortunately, I’ve seen the complete opposite where there’s a crisis situation and mom and dad are more or less being forced to make this move. To me, it’s amazing how the same process could be so radically different. In most of these cases, there’s a whole lifetime of knacks, family treasures and possessions, and excess furniture that simply can’t make it to the next place. So where do you start? Step one before going crazy, just throwing things out. I suggest defining what your objective is in a new home. Start with the basics, location, price, amenities, bedrooms, and baths. Step two, do your research and define places of interest. Step three, narrow down and commit to that one place.

Whether this is a home you’ll be renting or purchasing, it makes to find your home. First. Now the reason I suggest finding your home first is at least, you know where you’re gonna go and what space you have to operate with. This will assist in making good decisions about what stays and what goes and let’s face it. It will also motivate you and your family to start moving forward. Step four, tag what you’re going to take and move it into your new home and leave the rest behind step five. Contact, family members, friends, neighbours, people, you know, who may be interested in some of the things you have. I usually suggest that you start with kids first, then move out to cousins, uncles, neighbours, and so on. If you end up creating some mad free for all where the first person comes, gets everything. No doubt.

You’re gonna end up with some frustrations and hurt feelings. Number six, consider having an estate sale or potentially donating to places like the wider circle, salvation, and an army of purple hearts. Step seven, consider hiring a hauling service to get rid of the rest of today’s hauling services. They don’t just throw everything into a landfill. They use great effort to ensure that recyclables are recycled and donatable are donated and step eight with your realtor and his or her network of vendors and home stagers to get your home ready for sale.

 If you have any questions about buying or selling real estate in Montgomery County, Maryland, or the entire DMV area, please book a call with me today.

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